Apache Spark — Column Object
There are many ways to create a column object in Apache Spark.
Let’s explore.

A column can be created using the col & column function.
Another way is by creating dollar($)/symbol — backtick(`) prefixed strings. This will only work if you have imported the spark.implicits conversion. Check this blog for spark implicits link
In spark-shell in scala spark.implicits
is already imported. So you directly create columns using $ strings.
Spark Implicits has member:
implicit class StringToColumn extends AnyRef Converts $"col name" into a Column.
implicit def symbolToColumn(s: Symbol): ColumnName An implicit conversion that turns a Scala Symbol into a Column.
See below example:
We can also create TypedColumns (having encoder for type). TypedColumn
is created using as
operator on a Column
def as[U](implicit arg0: Encoder[U]): TypedColumn[Any, U] Provides a type hint about the expected return value of this column. This information can be used by operations such as select on a Dataset to automatically convert the results into the correct JVM types.
Till now we have seen columns which are generic columns not tied with any Dataframe.
| columns |
| $”first_name” |
| `first_name |
| col(“first_name”) |
| column(“first_name”) |
A new column can be constructed based on the input columns present in a DataFrame:
Extracting a struct field:
Column objects can be composed to form complex expressions: